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SA4-W09a Industry of Employment by Sex-Census 2016

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SA4 based data for Industry of Employment by Sex, in Working Population Profile (WPP), 2016 Census. Count of employed persons aged 15 years and over. W09 is broken up into 2 sections (W09a - W09b), this section contains 'Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing Not further defined Males' - 'Transport postal and warehousing Other transport Females'. The data is by SA4 2016 boundaries. Periodicity: 5-Yearly. Note: There are small random adjustments made to all cell values to protect the confidentiality of data. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from table totals. For more information visit the data source:


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Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:49 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:49 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS_Census-UoM_AURIN_DB_2:sa4_w09a_ind_of_emp_by_sx_census_2016
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa4_2016
Attribute List Accommodation and food services Accommodation Females, Accommodation and food services Accommodation Males, Accommodation and food services Accommodation Persons, Accommodation and food services Accommodation and food services Not further defined Females, Accommodation and food services Accommodation and food services Not further defined Males, Accommodation and food services Accommodation and food services Not further defined Persons, Accommodation and food services Food and beverage services Females, Accommodation and food services Food and beverage services Males, Accommodation and food services Food and beverage services Persons, Accommodation and food services Total Females, Accommodation and food services Total Males, Accommodation and food services Total Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing Not further defined Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing Not further defined Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing Not further defined Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing support services Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing support services Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Agriculture forestry and fishing support services Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Aquaculture Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Aquaculture Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Aquaculture Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Fishing hunting and trapping Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Fishing hunting and trapping Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Fishing hunting and trapping Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Forestry and logging Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Forestry and logging Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Forestry and logging Persons, Agriculture forestry and fishing Total Females, Agriculture forestry and fishing Total Males, Agriculture forestry and fishing Total Persons, Construction Building construction Females, Construction Building construction Males, Construction Building construction Persons, Construction Construction Not further defined Females, Construction Construction Not further defined Males, Construction Construction Not further defined Persons, Construction Construction services Females, Construction Construction services Males, Construction Construction services Persons, Construction Heavy and civil engineering construction Females, Construction Heavy and civil engineering construction Males, Construction Heavy and civil engineering construction Persons, Construction Total Females, Construction Total Males, Construction Total Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity gas water and waste services Not further defined Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity gas water and waste services Not further defined Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity gas water and waste services Not further defined Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity supply Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity supply Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Electricity supply Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Gas supply Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Gas supply Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Gas supply Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Total Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Total Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Total Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Waste collection treatment and disposal services Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Waste collection treatment and disposal services Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Waste collection treatment and disposal services Persons, Electricity gas water and waste services Water supply sewerage and drainage services Females, Electricity gas water and waste services Water supply sewerage and drainage services Males, Electricity gas water and waste services Water supply sewerage and drainage services Persons, Geometry Field, Manufacturing Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Fabricated metal product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Fabricated metal product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Fabricated metal product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Food product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Food product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Food product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Furniture and other manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Furniture and other manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Furniture and other manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Machinery and equipment manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Machinery and equipment manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Machinery and equipment manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Manufacturing Not further defined Females, Manufacturing Manufacturing Not further defined Males, Manufacturing Manufacturing Not further defined Persons, Manufacturing Non metallic mineral product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Non metallic mineral product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Non metallic mineral product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Petroleum and coal product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Petroleum and coal product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Petroleum and coal product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Primary metal and metal product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Primary metal and metal product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Primary metal and metal product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Printing including the reproduction of recorded media Females, Manufacturing Printing including the reproduction of recorded media Males, Manufacturing Printing including the reproduction of recorded media Persons, Manufacturing Pulp paper and converted paper product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Pulp paper and converted paper product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Pulp paper and converted paper product manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Textile leather clothing and footwear manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Textile leather clothing and footwear manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Textile leather clothing and footwear manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Total Females, Manufacturing Total Males, Manufacturing Total Persons, Manufacturing Transport equipment manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Transport equipment manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Transport equipment manufacturing Persons, Manufacturing Wood product manufacturing Females, Manufacturing Wood product manufacturing Males, Manufacturing Wood product manufacturing Persons, Mining Coal mining Females, Mining Coal mining Males, Mining Coal mining Persons, Mining Exploration and other mining support services Females, Mining Exploration and other mining support services Males, Mining Exploration and other mining support services Persons, Mining Metal ore mining Females, Mining Metal ore mining Males, Mining Metal ore mining Persons, Mining Mining Not further defined Females, Mining Mining Not further defined Males, Mining Mining Not further defined Persons, Mining Non metallic mineral mining and quarrying Females, Mining Non metallic mineral mining and quarrying Males, Mining Non metallic mineral mining and quarrying Persons, Mining Oil and gas extraction Females, Mining Oil and gas extraction Males, Mining Oil and gas extraction Persons, Mining Total Females, Mining Total Males, Mining Total Persons, Retail trade Food retailing Females, Retail trade Food retailing Males, Retail trade Food retailing Persons, Retail trade Fuel retailing Females, Retail trade Fuel retailing Males, Retail trade Fuel retailing Persons, Retail trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing Females, Retail trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing Males, Retail trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing Persons, Retail trade Non store retailing and retail commission based buying and or selling Females, Retail trade Non store retailing and retail commission based buying and or selling Males, Retail trade Non store retailing and retail commission based buying and or selling Persons, Retail trade Other store based retailing Females, Retail trade Other store based retailing Males, Retail trade Other store based retailing Persons, Retail trade Retail trade Not further defined Females, Retail trade Retail trade Not further defined Males, Retail trade Retail trade Not further defined Persons, Retail trade Total Females, Retail trade Total Males, Retail trade Total Persons, SA4 Code 2016, SA4 Name 2016, Transport postal and warehousing Air and space transport Females, Transport postal and warehousing Air and space transport Males, Transport postal and warehousing Air and space transport Persons, Transport postal and warehousing Other transport Females, Transport postal and warehousing Other transport Males, Transport postal and warehousing Rail transport Females, Transport postal and warehousing Rail transport Males, Transport postal and warehousing Rail transport Persons, Transport postal and warehousing Road transport Females, Transport postal and warehousing Road transport Males, Transport postal and warehousing Road transport Persons, Transport postal and warehousing Transport postal and warehousing Not further defined Females, Transport postal and warehousing Transport postal and warehousing Not further defined Males, Transport postal and warehousing Transport postal and warehousing Not further defined Persons, Transport postal and warehousing Water transport Females, Transport postal and warehousing Water transport Males, Transport postal and warehousing Water transport Persons, Wholesale trade Basic material wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Basic material wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Basic material wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Commission based wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Commission based wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Commission based wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Grocery liquor and tobacco product wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Grocery liquor and tobacco product wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Grocery liquor and tobacco product wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Machinery and equipment wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Machinery and equipment wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Machinery and equipment wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Other goods wholesaling Females, Wholesale trade Other goods wholesaling Males, Wholesale trade Other goods wholesaling Persons, Wholesale trade Total Females, Wholesale trade Total Males, Wholesale trade Total Persons, Wholesale trade Wholesale trade Not further defined Females, Wholesale trade Wholesale trade Not further defined Males, Wholesale trade Wholesale trade Not further defined Persons
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2017): SA4-W09a Industry of Employment by Sex-Census 2016; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa4_code16
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.82, -43.74], [159.11, -43.74], [159.11, -9.14], [96.82, -9.14], [96.82, -43.74]]]}