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SA3-based B38 Place of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago by Sex as at 2011-08-11

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SA3 based data for Place Of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago By Sex, for 2011 Census. Count of persons aged 1 year and over and dwellings on Census night based on place of usual residence. Data sourced from: For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Services on 1300 135 070. Periodicity: 5-Yearly.


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Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:18 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:18 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS_Census-UoM_AURIN_DB_1:b38_aust_sa3
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa3
Attribute List Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Australian Capital Territory Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Australian Capital Territory Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Australian Capital Territory Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in New South Wales Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in New South Wales Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in New South Wales Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Northern Territory Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Northern Territory Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Northern Territory Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Other Territories Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Other Territories Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Other Territories Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Queensland Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Queensland Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Queensland Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in South Australia Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in South Australia Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in South Australia Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Tasmania Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Tasmania Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Tasmania Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Total Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Total Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Total Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Victoria Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Victoria Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Victoria Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Western Australia Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Western Australia Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Different SA2 in Western Australia Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Not stated Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Not stated Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Not stated Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Overseas Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Overseas Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Overseas Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Same Statistical Area Level 2 SA2 Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Same Statistical Area Level 2 SA2 Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Same Statistical Area Level 2 SA2 Persons, Different usual address 1 year ago Total Females, Different usual address 1 year ago Total Males, Different usual address 1 year ago Total Persons, Not stated Females, Not stated Males, Not stated Persons, SA3 Code, SA3 Name, Same usual address 1 year ago as in 2011 Females, Same usual address 1 year ago as in 2011 Males, Same usual address 1 year ago as in 2011 Persons, Total Females, Total Males, Total Persons
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2011): SA3-based B38 Place of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago by Sex as at 2011-08-11; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2011
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key SA3_MAIN11
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81676569599999, -43.740509603], [159.109219008, -43.740509603], [159.109219008, -9.142175977], [96.81676569599999, -9.142175977], [96.81676569599999, -43.740509603]]]}