QED - Student Attendance Rate by School (Point) 2013-2017

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the location of Queensland state schools with student attendance rates for the years 2013-2017. Student attendance rate is generated by dividing the total of full-days and part-days that students attended, and comparing this to the total of all possible days for students to attend, expressed as a percentage.

For further information about this dataset, please visit the Queensland Department of Education - Student Attendance.

Please note:

  • AURIN has spatially enabled this data using the Queensland Department of Education - State and Non State School Listings 2012-2018.

  • Data is made available through a AURIN-QCIF-RIDL collaboration.

  • When analysing attendance data over time, it should be noted that extreme events such as cyclones, flooding and pandemics may have impacted on the data in certain years.

  • The school structure in this cube is as at the publication date. For this reason, schools which were created by amalgamation may have student attendance rates for years prior to opening.

  • The number of schools in this cube may differ from the school count cube because there are a small number of schools which do not have enrolments of their own, rather students from other schools attend these schools on an as needed basis.


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Source https://geoserver.dev.aurin-prod.cloud.edu.au/geoserver/wfs
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 07:28 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 07:28 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-QLD_Govt_QED-UoM_AURIN_DB:qld_qed_attendance_point_2013_2017
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level NA
Attribute List Attendance Rate, Full Time Enrolment Days Attended, Geometry, LGA Name, Latitude, Longitude, Possible Days Attended, Region Name, Remoteness Area, School Category, School Code, School Name, School Type, Unique ID, Year
Attribution Government of Queensland - Department of Education, (2018): QED - Student Attendance Rate by School (Point) 2013-2017; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of Queensland - Department of Education 2017
Geometry Field geom
Key ogc_fid
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[137.99, -29.18], [153.36, -29.18], [153.36, -9.14], [137.99, -9.14], [137.99, -29.18]]]}