SA2 Agriculture Water Use - Businesses Involved 2015-2016

Dataset extent


This dataset presents final estimates of the number of businesses included in the water usage statistics in Australia by Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) from the 2015-16 Agricultural Census. Categories included are statistics on water use, water sources, irrigation expenditure and irrigation methods. Data is aggregated to 2011 ASGS SA2 boundaries.

The Agricultural Census is conducted once every five years. The scope of the 2015-16 Agricultural Census was all businesses undertaking agricultural activity recorded on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Business Register (ABSBR) above a minimum threshold applied to the estimated value of their agricultural operations. The threshold for the 2015-16 Agricultural Census was all agricultural businesses with an Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations (EVAO) of $40,000 or greater. This is a change from previous ABS Rural Environment and Agricultural Collections, where a EVAO threshold of $5,000 or greater was used. As a result of the change in scope, the estimates from the 2015-16 Agricultural Census will not be directly comparable to previously published Agricultural Censuses or annual Rural Environment and Agricultural Commodity Survey outputs. The 2015-16 Census final estimates are based on the achieved target response rate of 85% from an in-scope population of approximately 103,400 agricultural businesses.

The estimates in this dataset are based on information obtained from agricultural businesses that responded to the 2015-16 Agricultural Census. However, since not all of the businesses that were selected provided data, the estimates are subject to sampling variability; that is, they may differ from the figures that would have been produced if information had been collected from all businesses. Most published estimates have relative standard errors (RSEs) less than 10%. For some states and territories with limited production of certain commodities, RSEs are greater than 10%. Estimates with an RSE greater than 50% are considered too unreliable for general use and hence have been removed from the data.

This data is ABS data (catalogue number: 4618.0) used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

For more information on the dataset please visit the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Please note:

  • Estimates with an RSE value greater than 50% and are considered too unreliable for general use and have been removed from the data

  • Where data was not published or not applicable the records have been set to null


Additional Info

See activity stream See groups

Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 05:59 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 05:59 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS-UoM_AURIN_DB_3:agri_water_use_businesses_sa2_2015_16
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa2
Attribute List Area of holding (ha), Cotton - Area watered (ha), Cotton - Total area (ha), Cotton - Volume applied (ML), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Area watered (ha), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Total area (ha), Fruit trees, nut trees, plantation or berry fruits - Volume applied (ML), Geometry Field, Grapevines - Area watered (ha), Grapevines - Total area (ha), Grapevines - Volume applied (ML), Groundwater (e.g. bores, springs, wells) - Total volume used (ML), Irrigation expenditure - Annual irrigation water volumetric/usage charges - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a permanent basis - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a permanent basis - Total volume purchased (ML), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a temporary basis - Total cost ($), Irrigation expenditure - Purchases of extra water on a temporary basis - Total volume purchased (ML), Number of agricultural businesses (no.), Number of agricultural businesses irrigating (no.), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Area watered (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Total area (ha), Nurseries, cut flowers and cultivated turf - Volume applied (ML), Other agricultural water use - Volume used (ML) , Other broadacre crops - Area watered (ha), Other broadacre crops - Total area (ha), Other broadacre crops - Volume applied (ML), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Area watered (ha), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Total area (ha), Other cereals for grain or seed (e.g. wheat, oats, maize) - Volume applied (ML), Other crops n.e.c. - Area watered (ha), Other crops n.e.c. - Volume applied (ML), Other sources of water (excluding rainfall) - Total volume used (ML), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for hay - Area watered (ha) , Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for hay - Volume applied (ML) , Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for silage - Area watered (ha) , Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops cut for silage - Volume applied (ML) , Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Area watered (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Total area (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) and cereal crops used for grazing or fed off - Volume applied (ML), Pastures (including lucerne) cereal and other crops cut for hay - Total area (ha), Pastures (including lucerne) cereal and other crops cut for silage - Total area (ha), Recycled/re-used water from off-farm sources (e.g. re-use schemes, mines) - Total volume used (ML), Rice - Area watered (ha), Rice - Total area (ha), Rice - Volume applied (ML), SA2 Code, SA2 Name, Sugar cane - Area watered (ha), Sugar cane - Total area (ha), Sugar cane - Volume applied (ML), Total area watered (ha), Total volume applied (ML), Total volume applied/used (including other agricultural water) (ML), Total volume of water from all sources (ML), Town or reticulated mains supply - Total volume used (ML), Vegetables for human consumption - Area watered (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Total area (ha), Vegetables for human consumption - Volume applied (ML), Water taken from irrigation channels or irrigation pipelines - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from on-farm dams or tanks - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Where a volumetric/usage charge occurs - Total volume used (ML), Water taken from rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. - Where there is no volumetric/usage charge - Total volume used (ML)
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2016): SA2 Agriculture Water Use - Businesses Involved 2015-2016; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa2_code11
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}