SA4 Population & People - National Regional Profile 2010-2014

Dataset extent


This dataset contains National Regional Profile (NRP) data on Population and People at SA4 level for 2010-2014. The data uses 2011 ABS ASGS boundaries. The NRP is designed for users interested in the socio-economic and environmental characteristics of regions - and in comparisons with similar geographies across Australia. Data are arranged under the broad themes/topics of Economy, Industry, People, and Energy and Environment. Please note some data are not available for all reference years, for a variety of reasons. For example; there may be conceptual breaks in a data series; the collection frequency may be irregular; some series may have revisions pending; or permission to publish in the NRP may have only been granted recently. In addition, some data series are not available for the full range of geographies. The reasons can include: data owner or custodian preferences; industry identification with a few, particular geographies only; confidentiality protection; and the presence of many suppressed data cells (at smaller geographic levels) thus making true aggregations up to larger ASGS regions difficult. This data is ABS data used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Please note National Regional Profile (1379.0.55.001) has been discontinued. For the most recent regional data, please see Data By Region (1410.0). For more information please visit the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


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Last Updated June 28, 2023, 06:02 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 06:02 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-AU_Govt_ABS-UoM_AURIN_DB_3:sa4_nrp_people_2010_2014
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa4
Attribute List Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (% of total population), Access to Internet at Home - Broadband connection (%), Access to Internet at Home - Dial-up connection (%), Access to Internet at Home - Other (%), Access to Internet at Home - Total internet connections (%), Births and Deaths - Births, Births and Deaths - Deaths, Births and Deaths - Standardised death rate (per 1,000 population), Births and Deaths - Total fertility rate (per female), Children Attending a Preschool Program - 15 hours or more, Children Attending a Preschool Program - Less than 15 hours, Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - 4 years , Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - 5 years, Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - Children across more than one provider type, Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - Preschool , Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - Preschool program within a long day care centre, Children Enrolled in a Preschool Program - Total, Families by Type - Average Family Size, Families by Type - Couple families with children under 15 and/or dependent students, Families by Type - Couple families with non-dependent children only, Families by Type - Couple families without children, Families by Type - One parent families, children under 15 and/or dependent students, Families by Type - One parent families, non-dependent children only, Families by Type - Other families , Families by Type - Total families , Females Aged 0-4 years, Females Aged 10-14 years, Females Aged 15-19 years, Females Aged 20-24 years, Females Aged 25-29 years, Females Aged 30-34 years, Females Aged 35-39 years, Females Aged 40-44 years, Females Aged 45-49 years, Females Aged 5-9 years, Females Aged 50-54 years, Females Aged 55-59 years, Females Aged 60-64 years, Females Aged 65-69 years, Females Aged 70-74 years, Females Aged 75-79 years, Females Aged 80-84 years, Females Aged 85 years and over, Females Median Age, Females Total, Geometry Field, Household by Type - Average Household Size, Household by Type - Family households, Household by Type - Group households, Household by Type - Lone person households, Household by Type - Total households, Males Aged 0-4 years, Males Aged 10-14 years, Males Aged 15-19 years, Males Aged 20-24 years, Males Aged 25-29 years, Males Aged 30-34 years, Males Aged 35-39 years, Males Aged 40-44 years, Males Aged 45-49 years, Males Aged 5-9 years, Males Aged 50-54 years, Males Aged 55-59 years, Males Aged 60-64 years, Males Aged 65-69 years, Males Aged 70-74 years, Males Aged 75-79 years, Males Aged 80-84 years, Males Aged 85 years and over, Males Median Age, Males Total, Method of Travel to Work - Bicycle, Method of Travel to Work - Bus, Method of Travel to Work - Car (as driver, passenger), Method of Travel to Work - Employed but did not go to work, Method of Travel to Work - Method of travel not stated, Method of Travel to Work - Motor bike/scooter, Method of Travel to Work - Other (inc. taxis), Method of Travel to Work - Total employed, Method of Travel to Work - Total used more than one method, Method of Travel to Work - Total used one method, Method of Travel to Work - Train or tram, Method of Travel to Work - Walked only, Method of Travel to Work - Worked from home, Occupation of Employed Persons - Clerical, Administrative Workers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Community, Personal Service Workers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Inadequately Described, Not Stated (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Labourers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Machinery Operators, Drivers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Managers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Professionals (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Sales Workers (%), Occupation of Employed Persons - Technicians and Trades Workers (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in Americas (%) , Overseas Born Population - Born in North Africa, Middle East (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in North-East Asia (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in North-West Europe (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in Oceania, Antarctica (excl. Australia) (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in South-East Asia (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in Southern & Eastern Europe (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in Southern, Central Asia (%), Overseas Born Population - Born in Sub-Saharan Africa (%), Overseas Born Population - Total Born Overseas (%), Persons Aged 0-14 years (%), Persons Aged 0-4 years, Persons Aged 10-14 years, Persons Aged 15-19 years, Persons Aged 15-24 years (%), Persons Aged 20-24 years, Persons Aged 25-29 years, Persons Aged 25-34 years (%), Persons Aged 30-34 years, Persons Aged 35-39 years, Persons Aged 35-44 years (%), Persons Aged 40-44 years, Persons Aged 45-49 years, Persons Aged 45-54 years (%), Persons Aged 5-9 years, Persons Aged 50-54 years, Persons Aged 54-64 years (%), Persons Aged 55-59 years, Persons Aged 60-64 years, Persons Aged 65-69 years, Persons Aged 65-74 years (%), Persons Aged 70-74 years, Persons Aged 75-79 years, Persons Aged 75-84 years (%), Persons Aged 80-84 years, Persons Aged 85 years and over, Persons Aged 85 years and over (%), Persons Median Age, Persons Total, Persons with Post School Qualifications - Advanced Diploma, or Diploma (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Bachelor Degree (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Certificate (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Inadequately described, not stated (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Percentage of total population aged 15 years and over (%), Persons with Post School Qualifications - Postgraduate degree (%), Persons with a Disability - Number of persons living in a private dwelling, Persons with a Disability - Percentage of persons living in a private dwelling (%), Population Density, Regional Internal Migration Estimates - Arrivals, Regional Internal Migration Estimates - Departures, Regional Internal Migration Estimates - Net Migration, SA4 Code 2011, SA4 Name 2011, Speaks a Language Other than English at Home (%), Unpaid Work - Persons caring for other children without pay (%), Unpaid Work - Persons caring for own and other children without pay (%), Unpaid Work - Persons caring for own children without pay (%), Unpaid Work - Persons providing unpaid care, help or assistance to others (%), Unpaid Work - Persons undertaking voluntary work for an organisation or group (%), Working Age population (15-64 years) (%), Year
Attribution Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2016): SA4 Population & People - National Regional Profile 2010-2014; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa4_code_2011
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}