NATSEM - Trust Indicators - Synthetic Estimates SA2 2016

Dataset extent


This dataset presents the synthetically modeled indicators relating to the levels of trust between the population of small regions of Australia based on the 2016 Census and aggregated following the 2016 edition of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). The synthetic indicators are produced by the spatial micro-simulation model (SpatialMSM). The data has been provided by The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM).

NATSEM’s spatial microsimulation model uses a technique that takes a survey and reweights it to small area Census data. SpatialMSM18 is the application of the NATSEM Spatial Microsimulation model using the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) dataset, the ABS Housing Expenditure Survey (for financial stress) and the 2016 Census of Population and Housing at the SA2 level (Tanton et al. 2011). All the indicators from the SpatialMSM model are synthetic, so there is some model error as well as other error from the survey. Therefore, they are not as accurate as the Census data used.

Data in this dataset comes from NATSEM's spatial microsimulation model. Estimates are for subjective wellbeing based on questions in the HILDA dataset. A full description of the model, and validation, can be found in the accompanying NATSEM Technical Report.

Please note:

  • AURIN has spatially enabled the original data provided directly from NATSEM.

  • Where data values are NULL, the data is either unpublished or not applicable mathematically.

  • The treatment of Not Stated and Overseas Visitor data is to exclude them from both the numerator and the denominator.


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Field Value
Last Updated June 28, 2023, 08:18 (UTC)
Created June 28, 2023, 08:18 (UTC)
ADP ID datasource-UC_NATSEM-UoM_AURIN_DB:natsem_trust_indicators_synthetic_sa2_2016
Access Level Open Access
Aggregation Level sa2_2016
Attribute List Geometry, No self-completion questionnaire (lstrust=-8), Number of benchmarks used in the model (see technical paper), Number of non-responding persons (lstrust=-10), Number of people (estimated from the modelling), Number of people with trust at 1 (lstrust=1), Number of people with trust at 2 (lstrust=2), Number of people with trust at 3 (lstrust=3), Number of people with trust at 4 (lstrust=4), Number of people with trust at 5 (lstrust=5), Number of people with trust at 6 (lstrust=6), Number of people with trust at 70 (lstrust=7), Number of people with trust not stated (lstrust=-4), Percent of people with trust at 1 (lstrust=1 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 1 - 3 (lstrust=1 - 3 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 2 (lstrust=2 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 3 (lstrust=3 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 4 (lstrust=4 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 5 (lstrust=5 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 5 to 7 (lstrust = 5 - 7 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 6 (lstrust=6 / lstrust = 1 - 10), Percent of people with trust at 7 (lstrust=7 / lstrust = 1 - 10), SA2 Code, SA2 Name, State
Attribution University of Canberra - National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, (2018): NATSEM - Trust Indicators - Synthetic Estimates SA2 2016; accessed from AURIN on [date of access].
Coordinate Ref. System EPSG:4283 (GDA_1994)
Copyright Notice © University of Canberra - National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling 2018
Geometry Field wkb_geometry
Key sa2_code16
Type dataset
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.81, -43.75], [159.11, -43.75], [159.11, -9.14], [96.81, -9.14], [96.81, -43.75]]]}